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Support the next Australian delegation


Support future leaders

Rhaneela Punitham

Participating Youth | SA

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SWY brings together the best and brightest youths from across the world to foster deep connections and understanding across cultures and develop a world that better embraces our differences. This time the program will run over several online sessions in late 2022 before the Australian delegation travel to Japan for two weeks in February 2023. 


Whilst the program is funded by the Japanese Government, there are numerous costs to the delegation that are not and therefore must be funded by the young delegates themselves. These costs include flights and accommodation to attend the pre-departure training workshop in Canberra, national uniforms, gifts for official dignitaries met on the exchange component of the program and program materials.


Any financial support, no matter how small, would be greatly appreciated and warmly welcomed. The money will go directly to program costs outlined above and support delegates' further leadership development through this wonderful program.

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